Last weekend was beautiful and we took a hike up Locke Hill in Gilford which offers a nice view of the lake. Our friends the Beikmans joined us and we packed up kids, dogs and lunch as well as the GPS to do a little geocaching. It was great fun until we were almost to the top and poor Becca got stung. Again. Many of you might remember her getting stung nine times several years ago. Well this was the same trail in almost the same location. Not sure what it is but wasps/yellow jackets love this kid. I mean, what were the chances of seven people and two dogs just hangining around and the only one to get stung was her. Poor kid! After a little first aid treatment we continued our hike.
We came across a nice outlook of the lake and lots of stones arranged into stadium seating-very cool! We found three geocaches during the hike and during the last one Kenzie slipped and scraped one of her legs all up. She was a real trooper and after our second first aid stop of the day we continued down the hill without incident!
The kids checking out the cache!
Dom checking out the view from his seat.
Boomer sharing a seat with Kenzie.
The crew in the stone seats.