Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Lady Slippers

I think I may have posted about this before but Lady Slippers are my favorite wild flower. I feel very blessed to have many growing in the woods right along the backyard. Here are some of the pictures I took recently.

During the month of June there is a lupine festival in northern NH. Lupines are probably my second favorite. We went to the festival two years ago and I have wanted to go back ever since but we haven't made it back yet and the outlook isn't looking too good for this year. There is a chance we might make it up there this Sunday, but I am not holding my breath. The festival is three weeks long, which seems like plenty of time, but the weather and other obligations always get in the way. Oh well, there's always next year!

I did buy some seeds while we were there and I finally planted some this year. Maybe this time next year we'll have some of our own lupines in the backyard to go with the lady slippers.

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