Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Wacky Winter Weather

About two weeks ago we had some crazy weather that included snow, rain, flooding and hurricane force winds. The winds were the worst part uprooting trees, bringing down power lines and blocking roads. We got lucky and only lost electricity for about 16 hours and with a generator it wasn't really all that bad. There wasn't any damage to any trees around the house. There are several branches down but nothing to cause any trouble. A trek out to the river and we found a tree blocking the trail as well as several more branches. We'll have plenty of clean-up to do once the snow melts!

Here is a picture of the girls on Valentine's day sitting on an ice jam on the river.

And here is the same spot two weeks later after some warm weather and rain!

The river is usually just a trickle over these rocks, actually you can't really see most of the rocks.
These are the same rock that are in the blog title for comparison!

Here is an almost perfectly rectangular piece of ice that washed up on the shore of the river. It shows just how thick the ice was at one point.

1 comment:

Dom said...

Nice pictures Cyn.