Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Two Little Pumpkins
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Poor Dog
So despite the fact that Boomer is 85% black and absorbs the heat, he still enjoys finding a sunny spot to lay in. I also need to add that he will only lay in the sunny spot if there is a person, preferable me, is within 2 feet of him. I was sitting at the bar and normally he would be under my feet and/or resting his head on my feet. Cause he might get lonely.
Poor Dog.
And see how he rests his head on the door jam so it doesn't actually have to touch the floor. And if he turns his head just right he can catch the breeze coming in through the screen.
But uh-oh, here comes trouble. Misty comes along to find the dog lying in the only sunny spot.
Now there is plenty of room for her to curl up next to the dog but there is no way she is about to share the sun with the dog. This is a cat that would rather drink out of the toilet than share a water bowl with the dog. She doesn't think very highly of the him.
Poor dog.
So Misty meowed at me to let her out cause there is plenty of sun to sleep in out on the deck.
But two minutes later I turn around to see this....
Misty is sitting at the screen and Boomer is trying to poke her. This is the 'I didn't really want to go outside I just wanted the dog to move out of the sunny spot in the kitchen, now please let me and move the dog so I can take a nap in the sun' look.
It's amazing how I get all that from just a simple look isn't it? Now Boomer's look says 'open the screen cause I had a little nap and now I wanna chase the cat'.
(I am just an amazing interpreter of canine and feline expression, aren't I?)
Unfortunately for Boomer, Misty rarely runs away from him anymore. She prefers to rub up against him and use him as a rubbing post.
Poor dog.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Monday, September 06, 2010
Pudgy Pies!
Mackenzie chose marshmallows and chocolate for hers and called it the candyland fantasy pudgy pie. See all the gooey goodness inside? MMMM...
It was a little over done but still good.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Heat Waves and Hurricanes
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Ragweed is Not my Friend
This year the pollen count is really high, which I imagine has something to do with the lack of rain we have been getting.
I am so desperate that I am going to research rain dances.
Or take a blowtorch to the bunches of ragweed growing around the perimeter of the yard.
But first I have to go blow my nose....Again.