Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two Little Pumpkins

See these two cute, perfectly round, perfectly orange little pumpkins? They came from our garden. Only we didn't plant them. At least not on purpose. Last fall the girls got two little pumpkins and painted them. When they got squishy Dom put them in the raised beds for compost not really thinking about the fact that unlike the Jack o'lanterns we carved the painted pumpkins were still full of seeds. Then in the spring the unmistakably large leaves sprouted and started to grow. I admit I had my doubts that they would actually produce fruit because of the abundance of hybrid seeds everywhere but I was pleasantly suprised.
Now I won't go into detail about the fact that I am a wee bit miffed that these two beautiful but unintentional pumpkins grew, while some other things I intentionally planted did not fare so well...

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