Friday, October 08, 2010

Five on Friday

I have posted before about how I like to make lists of things that I am grateful for and that I often find it a helpful way to lift my spirits. With that said I am going to try making it a weekly thing on Friday's to list five things that I am grateful for.

1. I am grateful to have such a wonderful husband, who supports and indulges my photography
2. I am grateful to have two smart, healthy, happy, and incredible cute daughters.
3. I am grateful to my family for helping out with all our outdoor projects this summer.
4. I am grateful to my in-laws for a greatly anticipated trip to Disney.
5. I am grateful to have two awesome sisters-in-law. One who planned and took care of the
details of the Disney trip and the other who recently invited me out on a fun night in Boston to
see Wicked.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am grateful we get to let loose in 6 days...Can't Wait! Its all going to be worth it! Make sure you bring some good walking shoes...we'll be walking for miles!